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 Owner, Gary Holt







    A bankrupt Spanish King was to rule the new world with old traditions. Servitude and slavery imposed by His Majesty and sanctioned by Catholic Priests, exploited for mining, the indigenous populations. The Padres were accountants, allied to the king in the huge profits and settlements for the mining masters. This gold bar is a result of that lust for gold, lost forever by the owner.  It was reportedly recovered at Hoyt’s Peak, Utah and could be over three hundred years old. An accumulation of sixty five hundred ten pounders were abandoned in a mine because of hostiles. Are they still there? A new documentary will focus on the question at a recently discovered mine site.

     A verbal map authenticated by experts charts a course to the mines. Have I discovered a cryptic starting point that fills in the coordinates leading me to the main treasure mine, as penned by the Author Jose Juaquin Garcia? Proving he indeed “Chart a Course” for future miners? When in the mine, and 132 feet from the portal, I will dismantle a log door and dig up 65,000 pounds of bar gold now worth nine hundred and ninety six million dollars, buried 20 feet from the log jam. One year’s recovery, but just a small bead, when weighted to the ultra-high grade ore in tunnels beginning at the four hundred fifty foot level. “Is of the yellow metal which is half of silver and one fifth part of gold.” Spanish Archives cataloged scores of mines for two hundred and fifty years, in the fifteen square mile area that are tunnels and miles of precious metals, abandoned because of hostiles, and there lain adrift. What immense revenue will Hoyt’s Peak Josephine’s generate with modern mining technology?

    Trillions!! So I studied the English translation of a BYU Historian, Professor Russell R. Rich, who had discovered the document in Mexico’s Archives. I also studied Gale Rhoades version, who sold the Josephine as on his claim and that evoked supernumerary possibilities. Rhoades buttonholed John Young, Rich’s friend, that was a cattleman on Hoyt’s peak, who had found the Spanish cave. The document does not pinpoint the cave as the mine although Young found Spanish tools and shafts. Outside, was a dump and mining tools suggesting a smelter, support for a mining operation? Locating a series of mines would confirm a treasure house on the eastern slopes of Hoyt’s peak and I found scores of mine depressions with trails, leading to the Josephine. On the same trail, the cryptic starting point, an oval shaped ancient Arrastra (mill).

    Hoyt’s geographical patterns show the same evidence of economic mineralization as the legendary pioneer mines mentioned by Lincoln when he declared, “Utah is the treasure house of the nation.” If the quality and extent of Josephine’s layered masses of gold ore are proven, as described, it would surpass the Park City, Alpine, Cottonwood, Tintic and Minersville mines combined yield. When there is a mine there is a smelter, and the document describes four lower rooms. “These rooms served as workrooms for the transfer of the mineral silver and gold,” In the rooms, fire pits would “transfer” silver from the ore, and at a higher temperature, the same ore to gold. An ancient cupellation process, then to bars? In the caves upper room, smelling of smoke, there were pictographs of animals unladen then laden. Chiseled rock beds in the walls allowed the mining teams to reside, process, and divide the labor of their slaves. Ranchers reported building a fire at the lower cave with smoke billowing out of the distant shaft and vestiges of The Spanish dump, still visible of attempts by Young to hide them. The Forest Service’s covered the cave before my claims tenure. But my appeal resulted in a concession to open and restore the cave ventilation. They have no jurisdiction in the cave or any tunnels, so mining activities can begin immediately under revised mining laws.



    Remember the people, under servitude or slavery that mined for the Spaniards. It comes with a curse, since hundreds of Native Americans lost their lives. Are we worthy advocates for the immense wealth that the Josephine could surrender, to enable us to combat the sickness of uncontrolled greed resulting in servitude or slavery thriving today? To be a worthy advocate, read on to page two and the "Wakara story".  Page 3: Why lease a Josephine mine?


Typical ancient mining activity as described in the Spanish Waybill 



Page 2: Wakara Story

Page 3: Mining Plan



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